6 Reasons Why You Should Take Nutritional Supplements

6 Reasons Why You Should Take Nutritional Supplements

In every home you visit today, you may or may not find a bar of chocolate but you may definitely find a bottle of nutritional or immunity supplements lying around the corners. So why is that? 

No matter how much you care about your health, you can't get everything your body needs to remain healthy through food alone. That's where nutritional supplements come into play. 

Nutritional supplements are the addition of nutrients to one's daily diet in order to fill in the gaps and supply the missing nutrients that aren't present in your daily foods. 

They can enhance a person’s health in many different ways including improving general health, heart function or even some athletic or cognitive performance!

The good news is there are several trustworthy nutraceutical brands that have taken upon themselves to provide quality nutritional choices for our health. In this blog, you will find 8 solid reasons as to why you should take nutritional supplements and why they’re important. 

Bonus Read: We’ll share some of the most reliable, healthy, and safe supplements that you must consider. 

1. Keeps Our Bodies in Working Order

Supplements are the fuel that keep our bodies in good working order. Like a well-oiled machine, supplements work hard to keep our bodies running in a tip-top shape. When taken as needed, it helps to power the day-to-day activities that keep us feeling good! From supporting your immunity to supporting healthy metabolism, there are so many things a supplement can do for you. 

2. Age & Absorption of Nutrition 

Nutrients and vitamins that we take in get absorbed by our digestive system, which contains several different components. As we age, the levels of these components decrease. This means it becomes increasingly more difficult to digest these nutrients effectively and easily. 

Our bodies produce fewer enzymes naturally as we age, and this can lead to malabsorption issues. The most recommended way to avoid these malabsorption issues is by taking oral supplements that provide additional nutrients when needed or missed in your limited diet. 

3. Fast-Paced Lives & Fast Food 

Poor eating & sleeping habits, when combined with stress, fried & salty processed foods are a cocktail full of chaos. Particularly when the body isn’t giving the right amount of nutritional support - a problem which can be compounded by an unbalanced and unhealthy diet lacking key nutrients! 

While supplements will never replace good eating habits, realizing the potential damage that could come from overconsumption is more than enough motivation for simply including essential supplements in your everyday regime. Remember, supplements are not an alternative to a healthy diet. As their name suggests, they simply supplement the nutritional requirements your body is looking for. 

4. Fertilizers & Our Food

There was a time when vegetables were cultivated using traditional, non-synthetic methods. The crops were healthy and intact with nutrients. But in the last few decades, farmers increasingly rely on fertilizers and pesticides to increase their yields, but at the cost of what? Nutrition and health. 

Because they weren’t relying on anything artificial, the food had all of its nutrients, and its nutritional value was high. Hence, it's almost impossible to get all the nutrients we need from food alone which is why it helps to bank on nutritional supplements to get high returns on your health tomorrow. 

5. The Presence of Harmful Chemicals Around Us

When plant foods are exposed to toxins in the soil, water, and air (water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution) they can lose certain vital nutrients. This can leave us with a nutritional reduction causing deficiencies, a problem which is rectified by supplementing our diet by increasing the intake of beneficial vitamins, minerals along with antioxidants.

Beneficial nutrients combat free radicals which attack the immune system leading to a stronger defense against diseases.

6. Following a Vegetarian or Vegan Diet 

How many times have you heard a vegetarian or vegan person complain about their B12 deficiency? Pretty common we assume. Since vegetarians and vegans are more restricted with their diets, often lack specific nutrients and can be prone to becoming deficient. 

In such cases, supplements are a great source for them to make sure they're getting an adequate supply of minerals, vitamins, and micronutrients on a daily basis.

Wrapping Up 

Even if your diet is clean and well-rounded, including plenty of fruits and vegetables, it's possible that you could still come up short on a few necessary nutrients. Supplements help bridge those gaps, ensuring that you are receiving the proper nutrition your body needs.

Well, that brings us to the end of our blog, but wait there’s more! As promised, here are some potent nutritional supplements from Stanmark Wellness: 

Gut Quench from Stanmark Wellness is an effervescent tablet that ensures good gut health and provides relief from tummy troubles like indigestion, gas, constipation, cramps, and bloating. 

Loaded with essential electrolytes and thousands of pre & probiotic strains, this fizzy drink provides instant energy and hydration and is the perfect detox on the go for good gut health and overall wellbeing. 

CodLiv Omega 369 made with the much-acclaimed cod liver oil is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin E, which helps improves heart health, facilitates better vision, improves cognitive function and a healthy immune system. 

This power-packed supplement is all you need to provide all-round protection and wellness to your body. 

A solid supplement that does it all for you. Thinking of overall wellness? Think Codliv!

Tress Bliss hair revitalizer is the perfect supplement for all your hair fall and hair thinning woes. Enriched with Biotin, Folic Acid, Amino Acids, Zinc, and other essential vitamins and minerals strengthens hair roots, increases hair follicle cells, and controls excessive hair fall. 

Get ready to revitalize your hair with Tress Bliss, the answer to thicker, stronger & fuller hair.

Who Are We?

Stanmark Wellness is a transparent nutraceutical brand, bringing wellness supplements that take care of your overall well-being.

We are on a mission to bring to you science-backed, clinically proven, clean nutritional supplements that are centered on achieving physical health, mental well-being, and beauty from the inside.

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